Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Show all product in a page without pagination

If you want to display all product in a page  just open the file


Inside this file, the function that we are interested in is getLimit() beginning around line 723.

 $limit = 'all';


  1. This is a great solution. Thanks. But a word of warning. You should never modify the core files because they'll be overwritten when you upgrade magento and your changes will be lost.

    You should follow this solutions when you want to modify core files.

  2. Thanks for the solution but what i have to do if i just want to do it for custom list page which i created for my newsletter section..

  3. Thanks for the solution but what i have to do if i just want to do it for custom list page which i created for my newsletter section..

  4. thank you brother. you saved my valuable time !!!!
